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Full Dental Lab Service NYC, NJ, New York City, New Jersey, Elvis Rosado, Irina Negru, Dental Lab Service NYC, Dental Lab Service New York City, Dental Lab Service New York, Dental Lab laboratory Service Long Island
Central Ohio Dental Lab offers fast turnaround times for everything, including dentures, crowns, partials, frames, Valplast partials, and Emax, zirconia, and Cercon crowns, as well as many more products.
Quick service with on-site manufacturing. Over 25 years of service. Rush orders avail. Full removable dentures. Partials. Repairs. Valplast. Call 702-220-9112.
Atlantis dental lab makes and repairs dentures, gumshields, night guards, teeth whitening,valplast, crowns and bridges, veneers.We specialise in denture repairs