The Ezra Group provides accessible talking thermostats for persons who are blind or visually impaired and internet controlled thermostats for residential, vacation home and commercial building applications.
Tiresias offers guidelines, information and project tools for researchers and designers of ICT systems, on designing accessible ICT for blind and partially sighted people.
All inPlay creates accessible online games that allow blind, visually impaired, and fully sighted to play together as equals. The All inPlay community includes college students, young professionals, parents and their children, and more than a few grandpar
Blind Computer Games offers information to game developers about how to make computer games accessible to blind people. It also offers information to blind gamers about how to contact and work with game developers to improve software accessibility for bli
Azabat Software. UK based accessible software developer, specialising in talking computer games, talking touch-typing tutor software, talking word-processing and e-mail and talking crossword puzzle. All products are suitable for blind and partially sighte