This site serves the purpose of South Florida Reiki Healing, Akashic Record Readings, energy healing, psychic surgery, depossession, spirit releasement and Energetic Feng Shui.
Over twenty thousand empowering astrology and spiritual articles, channelings, crystal healings, angel messages and more! Curated daily from worldwide mediums, astrologers, healers, life coaches, spiritual speakers, Artists and authors from around the wor
The Linda Howe Center offers in-person, on-line, and recorded classes, certifications, individual consultations, and books in the Akashic Records, the energetic imprint of the past, present, and future journey of the soul.
Private Sessions: Psychic & Medical Readings with Profound Healings, Medium to the Other Side, Past Lives, Akashic Records. Ashtara is a Teacher of the Light.
Embrace the healing wisdom of your Soul - Akashic and Past Life Guidance, Mentoring and Healing sessions. Learn your life lessons quickly, easily bringing positive experiences forward
The Linda Howe Center offers in-person, on-line, and recorded classes, certifications, individual consultations, and books in the Akashic Records, the energetic imprint of the past, present, and future journey of the soul.
The Linda Howe Center offers in-person, on-line, and recorded classes, certifications, individual consultations, and books in the Akashic Records, the energetic imprint of the past, present, and future journey of the soul.
The Linda Howe Center offers in-person, on-line, and recorded classes, certifications, individual consultations, and books in the Akashic Records, the energetic imprint of the past, present, and future journey of the soul.