Sparrow Dance Productions is a multifaceted contemporary dance company featuring proscenium stage work, an ongoing dance series, and venue specific projects.
The Sparrow Project is a boutique publicity and creative direction agency that promotes grassroots projects for social change through framing media narratives, event promotions and subversive art direction. The world needs your activism; The Sparrow Proje
At Sparrow, we are working to build you the best possible facilities to promote healing and good health. Over the next few years a series of new construction and renovation projects will allow us to deliver the best care when and where our Patients need i
Sparrow's Song is a US-based charitable organization that identifies and supports locally-initiated, Yeshua-centered humanitarian aid projects in Israel.
Established with a philosophy that favours a low density, high luxury approach to development, Vision enVert is a new age developer that works on only the most unique projects in the greater Montreal area.