Epidemic obesity is quickly becoming a major concern for a number of Western countries including the United States. Obesity is defined for children based on a body mass index, or BMI. This index is a
Epidemic obesity is quickly becoming a major concern for a number of Western countries including the United States. Obesity is defined for children based on a body mass index, or BMI. This index is a
The Poisoning of Our Children | Fighting the Obesity Epidemic in America Book. Preventing and Reversing Childhood and Adolescent Obesity and Chronic Disease in America.
Suffer from metabolic imbalance, insulin resistance, or pre-diabetes? Learn how to BEAT diabesity by modifying your attitude, behavior & your environment.
Are you trying to lose 50 pounds? Are you trying to lose 100 pounds? Even if you're trying to lose 25 pounds you'll find everything you need at Reengineer You. It's our mission to fight against obesity and help you battle through the lies a
Whole Kids Foundation is an organization devoted to improving children's nutrition and wellness with the goal of ending the childhood obesity epidemic.
Laura Dion-Jones and The Elgin Youth Leadership Academy provide this informative webpage that speaks about the obesity epidemic which is noteworthy regarding our children.
The Campaign to End Obesity (CEO) was established to bring together organizations and individuals to collaborate in the fight to reverse America's costly obesity epidemic.
The Campaign to End Obesity (CEO) was established to bring together organizations and individuals to collaborate in the fight to reverse America's costly obesity epidemic.
Children Obesity Foundation, Inc. is a 501(C) (3) nonprofit organization whose purpose is to help fight the obesity epidemic and all the related sicknesses caused in the United States, especially for children.
We consult and educate the public through