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We are dedicated to providing superior laboratory quality controls and calibration verification products for clinical diagnostic laboratories and Physician Office Laboratories (POL) worldwide.
Microwave Technology is a leading manufacturer of high linearity amplifiers and low phase amplifier products for base station infrastructure and Wireless Applications.� MwT high perfornance GaAs FETs are used in MwT's hybrid modules, custom amplifiers,�an
Mercury analysis is a critical test process that requires specific standard. Using the right mercury analyzer to ensure that you achieve the right results. Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy offers the highest level of sensitivity and linearity.
Tango Wave is a manufacturer of high-power, high-linearity Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTAs) and subsystems designed for direct-to-home (DTH), global up-linking, satellite news gathering (DSNG/SNG), broadcasting, voice/data, mobile up-linking and mar
"Economical Equilibrium: Geometry of Economics" is a new economic theory based on geometry and fractals, which challenges linearity and perpetuity in finance.
"Economical Equilibrium: Geometry of Economics" is a new economic theory based on geometry and fractals, which challenges linearity and perpetuity in finance.
"Economical Equilibrium: Geometry of Economics" is a new economic theory based on geometry and fractals, which challenges linearity and perpetuity in finance.
THE LARS type 2 is an integrated and fully balanced 36WPC power amplifier using 300B XLS tubes, optimized for lowest distortion, best linearity and deep class A operation mode.
350mA constant current LED driver,12V constant voltage LED driver,LED Commercial Lighting-Qingzhou Group was founded in early 1989, is a profesional power manufacturer intergrates supply and produce, including linearity adapter, EI/UI transformer, annula
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