Blogger, stay at home dad and husband. Not Batman. I talk dads and parents, Aspergers and autism, pirates and zombies. Not a fan of the playdate or helicopter parenting. Loving fatherhood and living a good, sometimes chaotic happy SAHD life.
What is autism – a devastating disease or a simple variation of the human brain? LOVING LAMPPOSTS: LIVING AUTISTIC explores both sides of the debate about living on the spectrum.
Leander House provides a wholesome and loving home and family environment for adults with intellectual or other disabilities. We live as family in the desirable and affluent town of Great Barrington, Massachusetts.
Blogger, stay at home dad and husband. Not Batman. I talk dads and parents, Aspergers and autism, pirates and zombies. Not a fan of the playdate or helicopter parenting. Loving fatherhood and living a good, sometimes chaotic happy SAHD life.
What is autism – a devastating disease or a simple variation of the human brain? LOVING LAMPPOSTS: LIVING AUTISTIC explores both sides of the debate about living on the spectrum.
Autism Life Link is a loving social community for people that live with, teach, care for or support individuals with autism, or have autism themselves.
Shea's Autism Surfing Fund by Sheri Edmondson-Wood - WHO IS THE PUZZLED SURFER? Puzzled Surfer is a loving reference to our 13 year old son, Shea. Shea has Asperger Syndrome (AS), an autism spectrum disorder (hence- the puzzle reference.) As a resul
"The Rowan Lily Foundation" is a Non-Profit Organization to help people become more aware of Autism and to deal with the everyday issues that comes with loving an Autistic person.
Join a team of extraordinary individuals helping a child recover from autism through a home-based Son-Rise program. Volunteer opportunity in Salt Lake City (South Sandy), Utah.
Joshua's IEP team meeting reflected the improvements he's made in his development, thanks to his hard work and the loving dedication of everyone working with him.