Angkor Flies superior tied flies from Thailand. Bespoke wholesale manufacturer of Fly Shop Quality fly fishing Flies. Our flies are tied by a team of some of the most highly skilled fly tiers in the world at our fly studio in Thailand
Fisher Tackle Company is a unique Great Lakes Salmon and Saltwater trolling tackle manufacturer. We make trolling flies and trolling lures called the Sqwinchee and Sqwinchee VIBE, trolling spinners, and artificial cut bait product called the Gunnee.
TMT is a manufacturer of high-end quality wallets that are designed for extreme conditions on land, sea and air. Each wallet is precision machined and assembled by Toner Machining Technologies in Morganton, North Carolina.
FISH-FIELD, a fishing tackle manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer. FISH-FIELD brand fishing gears are preferred by both sport and commercial fishermen