O&O Software develops award-winning windows software for PC-optimization, data imaging, backup, secure data deletion, data recovery and administration.
O&O Software develops award-winning windows software for PC-optimization, data imaging, backup, secure data deletion, data recovery and administration.
Berlin, Germany, based O&O Software GmbH has been developing tools for Windows since 1997. Our most widely known product is O&O Defrag, a defragmentation software for Windows that has set the technical standard time and time again.
Berlin, Germany, based O&O Software GmbH has been developing tools for Windows since 1997. Our most widely known product is O&O Defrag, a defragmentation software for Windows that has set the technical standard time and time again.
Die euromicron ist ein führender nationaler, europäisch ausgerichteter Anbieter kompletter Infrastrukturlösungen für Kommunikations-, Übertragungs-, Sicherheits- und Datennetze. Wir erbringen ein umfassendes Leistungsspektrum von Konze
Algorithmic Solutions Software GmbH
provides software and consulting for application of efficient algorithms
and data structures. Our innovative and efficient software components enable the user
to shorten product development time and to offer fast, re
Die TMT GmbH & Co. KG aus Bayreuth, Oberfranken bietet Business Solutions für Geschäftskunden in den Bereichen Internet, Hosting, Webdesign und CMS, Software und Programmierung sowie Service- und Call-Center.
Die JenATo Solutions GmbH mit ihrem Firmensitz im thüringischen Jena ist mit den Produkten "PPE" (Projekt PErsonal) und "RPS" (RoomPlanning System) der IT-Spezialist für Software-Lösungen rund um Personal- und Raumplanung in der Hotell
Algorithmic Solutions Software GmbH
provides software and consulting for application of efficient algorithms
and data structures. Our innovative and efficient software components enable the user
to shorten product development time and to offer fast, re