2012 Tennessee Trout Unlimited Youth Summer Camp for Middle School-Aged Kids. The Tennessee Council of Trout Unlimited is pleased to announce its second annual youth summer camp for middle school-age kids, The Great Smoky Mountains Aquatic Biology and Tro
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The Tennessee Care Planning Council: A single listing source of community care providers and advisers who help the public deal with current elder care needs.
NETN Prevention Advisory Council is a collection of agencies in Northeast Tennessee who promote healthy and safe behaviors and activities including those that prevent underage drinking and the onset and progression of addiction and the negative impact it
The Tourism Council membership is made up of area chamber of commerce representatives, other area business representatives, and local elected officials.
The purpose of this council is to promote the turfgrass industry in the above states, encourage the further study and research in Turf Grass, and to epresent the judgment of this organization in the matters of policy in the Turfgrass industry.
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