Animation, illustration, character design and comic strip instruction by industry professionals with decades of practical art and animation experience.
From comics to animation for web and TV, editorial to advertising, packaging to web banners, Gouty Foot is a humorous illustration, character design, and flash animation service.
Nawlz is an interactive comic that combines text, illustration, music, animation and interactivity to create a never before seen panoramic comic format.
Cartoons: the people and characters, the art and business, magazine cartoons, newspaper strips, comic books, caricature, editorial, film and TV animation, graphic stories, mini-comics, cartoon jams, humorous illustration, and online cartooning, cartoons i
Artwork, Human Figure, Illustration, Oil Painting, 3D Art, Comic, Animation, caricature, one of them about Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa Delgado fighting for the people and against the corruption of the traditional political parties. Arte, figura hum
We specialise in Cartoon's,illustration,character design,publishing,cartoon cards,graphic web work, Flash animation, Web banners,Packaging,Merchandising,comic's,2D Art and book illustration
Staatl. gepruefter Grafikdesigner mit Sitz in Aachen. Ab 1992 Freelancer in Artdirektion, 2D-Animation, Cartoon, Comic und Illustration in B2B fuer Neue Medien, Film, PR, Werbung, Verlag und Direktkunden aus Kultur und Wirtschaft.