Vinyl records: antiques & collectibles - vintage music for gifts or otherwise. From jazz to soul, fashion jewelry to disco, soundtracks to parapsychology MelodiesAndMemories has it all.
Rare pieces of Japanese Vase, Platters lamps Bowls, Wide selection of magazines and periodicals, Miscellaneous objects such as dated Army Canteen, Seltzer Bottle and various miniature figurines
Collectors forum about phonographs, gramophones, jukeboxes, 78 rpm / 45 rpm / vinyl records, radios and many other vintage talking machines & antiques subjects.
A huge site with many services to support old music, gramophones, gramophone, phonographs, victrola, antiques, collectibles, vintage records, vinyl, 78rpm, cylinders, graphophones, records
Collectors forum about phonographs, gramophones, jukeboxes, 78 rpm / 45 rpm / vinyl records, radios and many other vintage talking machines & antiques subjects.