Site featuring handmade jewelry-Semi Precious stones (turquoise-Jade-Opal-Lapis etc) We mine much of our own California jade. Display stones-Suiseki-Specimen-botryoidal jade. Bonsai plants with
gemstone landscapes. Custom jewelry & gemstone cutting. has California Jade & Botryoidal California Jade, Nephrite, Carvings, Masterpieces, strands, jewelry, boulders, viewing stones, and more
At we offer beautiful Jade stones and boulders for sale, as well as many suiseki specimens in diazas and suibans and much more. We also offer educational suiseki information throughout our website.
English language center for the study of Asian stone appreciation including scholar, garden, and viewing stones, shangshi, gongshi, and suiseki. Appreciating stones as symbols and as natural art objects began in China over 1,000 years ago.
the art of suiseki begins with collection stones in nature and culminates a sense beauty an emotional spiritual relationship between field collector stone.
Site featuring handmade jewelry-Semi Precious stones (turquoise-Jade-Opal-Lapis etc) We mine much of our own California jade. Display stones-Suiseki-Specimen-botryoidal jade. Bonsai plants with
gemstone landscapes. Custom jewelry & gemstone cutting.
Here are some rocks picked from beaches I have visited. Gardens, fish ponds, interior decor, aquariums, bonsai & suiseki, relaxation and peacefulness are some of what these stones are about. has California Jade & Botryoidal California Jade, Nephrite, Carvings, Masterpieces, strands, jewelry, boulders, viewing stones, and more