Luscious Lavender Hearts designed and handcrafted by Christina Del Gallo, Made with the finest silks and velvets and filled with organic lavender, known for its rejuvenating properties. Balance and calm your mind, body and spirit.
The Farmingdale Christian Church is a non-denominational, born again, spirit filled group of Christians that desire to serve the Lord with all our hearts. 125 Main Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735 (516) 293-1838
We are Christian Tshirt company birthed out of the Spirit Filled Hardcore Scene. Through our clothing, our mission is to inspire boldness, faith and dedication in the hearts of kids who will challenge the status quo and hold fast to pure and simple devoti
Jesus Jam Fest was created to give South Texas Christian Youth an outlet to give them an easy chance to minister, a place they can get filled with the Holy Spirit and Start a Revival in the hearts and minds of a new generation. Each year ministers from al
We at New Life Ministries belieive that the world today is experiencing an ever increasing hunger and demand for spirit-filled, Bible-believing churches. The cry is for churches to offer deliverance for sin-bound hearts, keep addictions out of the lives o
Our goal is to know God and to make God known, so "that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith." (Ephesians 3:17) We are a church that is Christ centered, Scripture directed, and Spirit filled. Because of this, we believe it is God's
Come join us as we praise Him with hearts filled with Christ's spirit of obedience. Sunday, April 19 Regular Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. Guest Pastor John Carroll continues from the book of Ecclesiastes with "Crime Pays for Now, God Pays for
The Copaigue Christian Church is a non-denominational, born again, spirit filled group of Christians that desire to serve the Lord with all our hearts.
The Farmingdale Christian Church is a non-denominational, born again, spirit filled group of Christians that desire to serve the Lord with all our hearts. 125 Main Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735 (516) 293-1838
Emmanuel Lutheran Church will be a place filled with the Holy Spirit where people are coming in to be sent out: Focused on changing hearts and changing lives for a better world.
Here at Life Church you will find a caring Savior and church home. Our doors and our hearts are open to you. We invite you to visit! You'll discover compassionate people, spirit-filled worship, and inspirational messages.
His Grace Church Training a Generation. HGC is a Christ centered community church that is changing lives by touching hearts through recruiting, training and mobilizing members of our community to impact their world for Jesus.
Here at Plano Chapel, our hearts desire is to see souls born again, filled with the Holy Ghost and living sanctified, Holy lives for Jesus Christ. We believe heaven and hell are a reality and the only door into heaven is by Jesus Christ. We know by the wo
Wellspring United Methodist Church is an inclusive Christian congregation, growing in relationship with God and filled with the Holy Spirit.We seek people in need of God’s mercy. We share the power of Christ’s healing love, grace, and acceptance. We serve
We want to welcome you to the website of Full Gospel Evangelistic Center. We are a compassionate church, reaching out into the community with the love of Jesus Christ. Our hearts desire is not only to share God
Incarnation is a spirit-filled, vital congregation of the United Methodist Church. Our worship each Sunday is a lively blend of traditional liturgy
and contemporary expression, with several choirs and a praise band. Serving all age groups, we are especi
We want to welcome you to the website of Full Gospel Evangelistic Center. We are a compassionate church, reaching out into the community with the love of Jesus Christ. Our hearts desire is not only to share God
Houston Faith Church is a non-denominational, spirit-filled church in West - NorthWest Houston where your faith will grow. We emphasize solid Bible teaching, sincere devotion to Jesus Christ, and fervent love toward people. It's time to understand salvat