SystemStar does COSYSMO! Costar does the COCOMO II, COCOMO II.2000, and Incremental COCOMO calculations. The site also has an Introduction to COCOMO and related FAQs and links, including COCOMO 2 links.
SystemStar does COSYSMO! Costar does the COCOMO II, COCOMO II.2000, and Incremental COCOMO calculations. The site also has an Introduction to COCOMO and related FAQs and links, including COCOMO 2 links.
SystemStar does COSYSMO! Costar does the COCOMO II, COCOMO II.2000, and Incremental COCOMO calculations. The site also has an Introduction to COCOMO and related FAQs and links, including COCOMO 2 links.
Uw calculaties voor Glas, Behang, Schilderwerk en Afbouw. Bij ons kunt u terecht voor calculaties in: - Topcalc - Softstar Easysis V - Microsoft Excel.