SEED is a fully stop-motion animated film, directed and animated by Ben Richardson and Daniel Bird, and winner of the Slamdance 2010 Grand Jury Award for Best Animated Short
SEED is a fully stop-motion animated film, directed and animated by Ben Richardson and Daniel Bird, and winner of the Slamdance 2010 Grand Jury Award for Best Animated Short
SEED is a fully stop-motion animated film, directed and animated by Ben Richardson and Daniel Bird, and winner of the Slamdance 2010 Grand Jury Award for Best Animated Short
SEED is a fully stop-motion animated film, directed and animated by Ben Richardson and Daniel Bird, and winner of the Slamdance 2010 Grand Jury Award for Best Animated Short
SEED is a fully stop-motion animated film, directed and animated by Ben Richardson and Daniel Bird, and winner of the Slamdance 2010 Grand Jury Award for Best Animated Short
SEED is a fully stop-motion animated film, directed and animated by Ben Richardson and Daniel Bird, and winner of the Slamdance 2010 Grand Jury Award for Best Animated Short
REPROSEED is a European REsearch project to improve PROduction of SEED of established and emerging bivalve species in European hatcheries. This project is animated by twelve specialist unit members.