Written by Forest is a jewelry and gift store located Bococa, Brooklyn, We carry handmade jewelry and gifts such as Yayoi Forest, Satomi Kawakita, and Tsuyumi.
We are the Brooklyn mecca for all things sparkly and exciting. Our favorite things include non-traditional wedding rings, stacking rings and a wide range of gifts. Both strange and romantic. I curate and edit the heck out of what the world has to offer an
Written by Forest is a jewelry and gift store located Bococa, Brooklyn, We carry handmade jewelry and gifts such as Yayoi Forest, Satomi Kawakita, and Tsuyumi.
We are the Brooklyn mecca for all things sparkly and exciting. Our favorite things include non-traditional wedding rings, stacking rings and a wide range of gifts. Both strange and romantic. I curate and edit the heck out of what the world has to offer an
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