Internet archive of multilanguage translations of Patanjali Yoga Sutras and commentaries, Yoga Sutras study courses. Online Divination and information about Birthstones
The Joy of Gentle Yoga with Sylvia Smallman is a Vancouver based Yoga Studio specializing in Kripalu Yoga. Kripalu is one of many different styles of Yoga being taught in the west today based on Patanjali's Sutras and the Eight Limbs of Yoga.
By contentment, supreme joy is gained. -- Patanjali, Sutras. II.42 Christel Dawn is an Indoor Disciple of Sifu JosephDemundo, Head Instructor of Yee's Hung Ga, Chinatown NYC. She is a certified Vinyasa Flow Yoga Instructor. Christel Dawn is availabl
Yoga is an ancient philosophy of life as well as a system of exercises that encourages the union of mind, body, and spirit. In the words of Patanjali, author of the Yoga Sutras, yoga is the ability to focus the mind on a single point without distraction.
Las posturas de yoga y su práctica son solamente una parte del sistema clásico de yoga sistematizado hace 1800 años por el sabio Patanjali en los Yoga-Sutras.
Las posturas o asanas, su nombre en sánscrito, forman la base de la disciplina del yoga.
All About YOGA Meaning of RajaYoga Patanjali Yoga Sutras the yoga of concentration and meditation how to concentrate and meditate to realize our true nature
Everything for the Sanskrit learner from classes and immersions to accessible, comprehensive home study materials, including Sanskrit by CD and the Sanskrit Atlas. Learn how to write and speak Sanskrit!
The Houston Iyengar Yoga Studio has been thriving since 1995. We think you’ll enjoy our our spacious new studio in the Museum District at 4916 Main Street, Suite 220, Houston, TX.
A Touch of Yoga combines the principals of yoga and spiritual psychology to assist students in clarifying and manifesting their vision for optimum physical and mental well-being.