The Rosary Sister work on spreading true love in the heart of all whom they work with, specially in this time where love, joy and peace are lacking.
We are inviting you to join us and support our mission by staying at the Rosary Sister Guest House – Nazar
Hill Home is a nursing facility operated by the Dominican Sisters
of Hawthorne. The Home is dedicated to providing palliative care to persons
afflicted with incurable cancer.
Sisters Studio and Blessings by Sisters Studio offers artistic, religious and inspirational gifts, including jewelry, pottery, stained glass, notecards, prints and the Sanctity of Life chaplet.
Sisters Studio and Blessings by Sisters Studio offers artistic, religious and inspirational gifts, including jewelry, pottery, stained glass, notecards, prints and the Sanctity of Life chaplet.
Sisters Studio and Blessings by Sisters Studio offers artistic, religious and inspirational gifts, including jewelry, pottery, stained glass, notecards, prints and the Sanctity of Life chaplet.