Epilekton has plenty of things you will not find in regular souvenir shops: from old notes, to antique coins, a wide variety of old maps of Greece, antiques, jewellery and Greek fine Art
Phoenicia Holyland Antiquities has been in business for over 30 years. We offer a large and varied collection of ancient artifacts WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We are proud to sell only 100% Genuine Ancient, all our items come with a certificate of authenticity.
Ancient Antiques for sale at wholesale prices. We sell ancient gold, bronze, and silver coins (1500 yrs old), Egyptian Jewelry and rare artifacts over 2000 years old, Holyland oil lamps, and rings, buried treasures and more. All orders come with a Certi
Antiquities for sale, dealer in ancient antiques and artefacts (artifacts), jewellery (jewelry), weaponry, pottery from Bronze Age, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Medieval for collectors.
Antiquities for sale, dealer in ancient antiques and artefacts (artifacts), jewellery (jewelry), weaponry, pottery from Bronze Age, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Medieval for collectors.
Ancient coin dealer with ancient Greek and Roman coins, Byzantine coins, and other ancient coins in a huge online catalog. Articles, discussion forum and tools for ancient coin collectors.
Offering Roman coins, Greek coins, ancient coins, British coins, medieval coins, coin auctions, renaissance coins, Indian coins, rare coins, Celtic coins, European coins, Jewish coins.
Mike R Vosper Coins buy and sell ancient Gold, Silver and Bronze coinage. Celtic, such as Cunobelin Staters and Boudicca Units. Greek coinage, for example Athenian Owl Tetradrachms and Alexander the Great Drachms. Roman, including the twelve Caesars such
Certified authentic Ancient Greek Roman Biblical and Byzantine coins you can buy from the top dealer coin store on eBay. Learn more about numismatic coins here from an expert numismatist. Get expert advice on investing and collecting ancient coins.
Alexander the Great was king of Macedonia from circa 336-323 B.C. Buy certified authentic ancient coins of his and explore history through selection of thousands of authentic ancient Greek and Roman coins.
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David R Sear: A site dedicated to ancient numismatics - Greek, Roman and Byzantine coinage. Browse through books on ancient coins, read about the Ancient Coin Certification Service, purchase featured coins, and read ancient numismatic and historic article
Buy invest-grade quality certified authentic ancient coins, art and antiquities of Greek, Celtic, Biblical, Roman Byzantine and medieval time periods. Certified authentic and guaranteed authentic for a lifetime. Sergey Nechayev, PhD is one of the foremost
A site for collectors of Ancient Greek and Roman coins. Feature online versions of the 'Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum collection' and other books on ancient coins that are in the public domain. Use them to look up your coins
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