Inquisitive. Relevant. Thought-Provoking. A Blog for reflection on Religion as an element of Public Life, coordinated by the Centre for Religion, Conflict and the Public Domain, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Groningen.
Anselm Academic is a publisher of undergraduate religious textbooks, offering engaging, relevant
texts in theology, religious studies, ethics, and Scripture for today's university classroom.
RENEW Theology on Tap reaches out to Catholic young adults through interesting speakers and discussions on relevant faith topics in casual settings offering food, drink and companionship.
RENEW Theology on Tap reaches out to Catholic young adults through interesting speakers and discussions on relevant faith topics in casual settings offering food, drink and companionship.
Anselm Academic is a publisher of undergraduate religious textbooks, offering engaging, relevant
texts in theology, religious studies, ethics, and Scripture for today's university classroom.
Orthodox Islam represents the mainstream sunni Islam, theology and law. The site also discusses relevant Islamic and Muslims issues and other world religions.
RENEW Theology on Tap reaches out to Catholic young adults through interesting speakers and discussions on relevant faith topics in casual settings offering food, drink and companionship.
RENEW Theology on Tap reaches out to Catholic young adults through interesting speakers and discussions on relevant faith topics in casual settings offering food, drink and companionship.
Picture wholeness in life.Whole in Gospel.Whole in soul and body.Whole in community.There will be cracks, but the Father is grafting the pieces of life back into place.Wisdom will sprout in us as Christ cultivates our life.We will experience wonder from t
Picture wholeness in life.Whole in Gospel.Whole in soul and body.Whole in community.There will be cracks, but the Father is grafting the pieces of life back into place.Wisdom will sprout in us as Christ cultivates our life.We will experience wonder from t
Emphasizing knowing God's will & how to pray in anticipating the soon return of Jesus Christ to establish His governmental reign on this earth for a thousand years. Using prophetic scripture to reveal & comment on subjects relevant to that coming.