The true Apostolic Church will come into existence through the work of the Holy Spirit in gathering Spirit-filled Christians of all denominations. The leaders of this Church, the Twelve Apostles of the End-Time, are appointed DIRECTLY by Jesus Christ Him
The Apostolic Catholic/last Dispensation Church will come into being through the work of the Holy Spirit in gathering Spirit-filled Christians of all denominations. The leaders of this Church, the Twelve Apostles, are directly appointed by Jesus Christ Hi
The Apostolic Church will come into being through the work of the Holy Spirit in gathering Spirit-filled Christians of all denominations. The leaders of the Church, the Twelve Apostles, are directly appointed by Jesus Christ Himself. The Foundation's task
The Apostolic Church will come into being through the work of the Holy Spirit in gathering Spirit-filled Christians of all denominations.The leaders of the Church, the Twelve Apostles, are directly appointed by Jesus Christ Himself. The Foundation's task
The New Beginning Apostolic Faith Ministries,Inc. Our objective is to move corporately from one spiritual level to the next and to corporately traffic from one spiritual dimension to the next, while being perfected in remnant responsibility and the statu
Remnant christian Network an interdenominational and non-denominational international Ministry to the body of Christ with the mandate of restoring the apostolic order and Christianity as was seen in the days of the first generation of apostles of Jesus Ch
The Holy Spirit is gathering Christians of all denominations into His Church of the Remnant. The Twelve Endtime Apostles are DIRECTLY appointed by Jesus Christ