I am a French marine biologist based in Perth, Western Australia. I am currently undertaking a PhD degree within the Centre for Marine Futures at the UWA Oceans Institute, where I have specialised in top predator ecology. For my PhD, I am investigating ‘h
My students and I study the auditory neuroethology and cognitive ecology of echolocating bats, focusing on acoustic signal production and reception for the purposes of locating prey and discriminating good food from bad. We also study the design and evolu
I am a French marine biologist based in Perth, Western Australia. I am currently undertaking a PhD degree within the Centre for Marine Futures at the UWA Oceans Institute, where I have specialised in top predator ecology. For my PhD, I am investigating ‘h
My students and I study the auditory neuroethology and cognitive ecology of echolocating bats, focusing on acoustic signal production and reception for the purposes of locating prey and discriminating good food from bad. We also study the design and evolu