4 out of 5 dogs will get gum disease in their lifetime! Gum disease can lead to more severe infections in the heart, kidney, and liver of your beloved pet. Just one professional teeth cleaning can cost hundreds of dollars! PLAQUE ATTACK will only cost you
Plaque Attack Spray Gel Formula is the convenient vet strength spray gel formula that sticks to pet's teeth longer to help remove plaque & tarter, control bacteria and freshen breath.
Plaque Attack Spray Gel Formula is the convenient vet strength spray gel formula that sticks to pet's teeth longer to help remove plaque & tarter, control bacteria and freshen breath.
4 out of 5 dogs will get gum disease in their lifetime! Gum disease can lead to more severe infections in the heart, kidney, and liver of your beloved pet. Just one professional teeth cleaning can cost hundreds of dollars! PLAQUE ATTACK will only cost you
HRudved is Ayurvedic Non Invasive Medicine to avoid heart attacks, heart surgery. Also it prevents heart attack or surgery. HRudved is mostly take to prevent coronary artery disease.
Angioprim is an effective method in cleaning blocked arteries and veins. Promotes a healthy heart by cleansing the system of harmful calcium plaque, and opening up the Arteries and veins for improved blood flow.
The device that started the orbital atherectomy revolution returns with new technology, unparalleled clinical proof and a focus on conquering arterial calcium.
The PLAC® Test for Lp-PLA2 is the only blood test cleared by the FDA to aid in assessing risk for both coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke associated with atherosclerosis.