Pierre El Daher is a successful Lebanese businessman and the Chairman & CEO of the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International, LBCI, Lebanon's number one television channel.
Pierre El Daher, born on October 4th, 1957, in Lebanon, El Daher holds a Masters degree from the University of Southern California and resides in Lebanon.
Pierre Youssef El Daher is a successful Lebanese businessman, chairman and CEO of the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International, LBCI, Lebanon’s number one TV station, since its launch.
Cheyef 7alak is a civic movement based on citizen journalism that gives every Lebanese citizen the power to report irresponsible behaviors for a better Lebanon.
Craft - Campaign of Recycling Among the Friends of Trees - is a nationwide campaign for paper recycling awareness launched by the Ministry of Environment in the Youth Shadow Government 2; in partnership with the private sector and the civil society organi
بيار الضاهر هو رجل أعمال لبناني ناجح ورئيس مجلس الإدارة والرئيس التنفيذي لهيئة الاذاعة اللبنانية الدولية، ال بي سي ، رقم القناة التلفزيونية في لبنان واح�
Craft - Campaign of Recycling Among the Friends of Trees - is a nationwide campaign for paper recycling awareness launched by the Ministry of Environment in the Youth Shadow Government 2; in partnership with the private sector and the civil society organi