A compilation of Ghost encounters and paranormal activities experienced by Asians.
APA-TU.com was created with Asian Ghost story lovers in mind. It is safe to say that we have all grown up hearing of spooky events from our friends, relatives, teachers, pa
365 days of real-life impossible occurrences, paranormal events, and incredible true tales will amaze, confound, and remind us just how mysterious this world really is. A magical daily read.
Indian Ghost Stories is a Blog which acknowledge you to about Paranormal activities in India. It Scare you by Real Horror Stories from India around World.
CAUPP - A group dedicated to the study of paranormal phenomena and UFO investigations in Canada. Dedicated to finding out the truth about what surrounds us, paranomal activities and conspiracy therories.
CAUPP - A group dedicated to the study of paranormal phenomena and UFO investigations in Canada. Dedicated to finding out the truth about what surrounds us, paranomal activities and conspiracy therories.
A compilation of Ghost encounters and paranormal activities experienced by Asians.
APA-TU.com was created with Asian Ghost story lovers in mind. It is safe to say that we have all grown up hearing of spooky events from our friends, relatives, teachers, pa
Paranormal Investigators Based in Oregon, USA. International Professional Paranormal Investigators, Ghost hunters. EVPs,investigations of haunted locations,unknown activities,request investigation or submit ghost pictures and personal experences.
freaknet.com FreakNet.com is a place where you can find the most weirdest and freakiest websites of all. FreakNet.com allows the users to see the best of the weird and the unusual. Find websites that have links to paranormal activities, ghost hunting, and
Ghost Hunters Realm - Paranormal Investigations Group, is dedicated not only to the research and gathering of evidence of paranormal activities, but the significance of spiritual connections beyond our plane of existence, located in Lexington, North Carol
In Horrinth you will suddenly become possessed by a demon while testing a house on paranormal activities. You’ll find yourself in a Labyrinth symbolic for your possessed ‘subconscious’. To stay in actual control you have to keep ‘breathing’. The illusive
Why psychic medium, Kelly Jo, communicates out of love for intuitive readings, paranormal, gratitude manifestation activities. Turn to the one Psychic that can
We are a science based organization, located in Central Colorado, dedicated to the research and investigation of paranormal activities, along with educating the public about ghosts and the field of the paranormal. We research claims of hauntings, ghost si
Our team of investigators, consultants, experts and gifted individuals is ready to help! Hauntings, paranormal activities, odd bumps in the night? We are here to get answers, document evidence and provide that peace of mind you may need! Cleansings are of
Online home of Northwest Paranormal Investigations, contains information about our organization and our activities including images and investigators journals from our investigations and more.