Investing in rare instruments by Stradivari, and Guarneri is our expertise. We specialize in building portfolios for private investors, high net worth individuals and families, private partnership, and institutions.Rare Violins are investments of Passio
Investing in rare instruments by Stradivari, and Guarneri is our expertise. We specialize in building portfolios for private investors, high net worth individuals and families, private partnership, and institutions.Rare Violins are investments of Passio
Beautiful and detailed pictures of violins including those of the masters Paganini,
Stradivarius, Guarnerius, Jacob Stainer, Nicolo Amati, and Gaspar DaSalo
Investing in rare instruments by Stradivari, and Guarneri is our expertise. We specialize in building portfolios for private investors, high net worth individuals and families, private partnership, and institutions.Rare Violins are investments of Passio
Investing in rare instruments by Stradivari, and Guarneri is our expertise. We specialize in building portfolios for private investors, high net worth individuals and families, private partnership, and institutions.Rare Violins are investments of Passio
Mark Keenan offers a wide range of high quality instruments and services to string players. Ideally located in the Midlands of Ireland. Mark makes his own violins to the patterns of the historical masters Antonio Stradivari and Guiseppe Guaneri Del Gesu.
Bristol based violin, viola & cello maker Steffen Nowak
specializes in baroque and modern instruments. Violins, violas and cellos after classical Italian models by Stradivari, Guarneri, Stainer, Amati,Da Salo, Maggini as well as custom build instruments.
Fine hand made violins, violas and cellos by Violin Maker Tim Jansma in his violin studio. The Jansma Violin Shop offers instruments for the professional and student musician.
Concert quality violins made in the classic Italian tradition. Many clients are pleasantly surprised to find affordable, professional quality instruments locally made at competitive prices. Sought by musicians for beauty in tone and playability
Daniel Bristow Violins in Tetbury is a violin shop specialising in English, German, French and Italian violins, violas, cellos and basses. Violin hire, bow rehairs and anything associated with violin family instruments.
Concert quality violins made in the classic Italian tradition. Many clients are pleasantly surprised to find affordable, professional quality instruments locally made at competitive prices. Sought by musicians for beauty in tone and playability