The Sufi Book of Life -- 99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish by Neil Douglas-Klotz is Part meditation book, part oracle, and part collection of Sufi lore, poetry, and stories.
The Sufi Book of Life -- 99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish by Neil Douglas-Klotz is Part meditation book, part oracle, and part collection of Sufi lore, poetry, and stories.
The book, Pathways to Pain Relief, embraces the position that musculoskeletal pain and other psychophysiological disorders can originate from psychological experiences as a means to protect an individual from unbearable emotional distress.
Sacred Pathways, a book by Professor Todd Murphy, highlights the spiritual pathways most sacred within the brain. Learn about Neurotheology. Get the book.
'Conscious (r)Evolution' is a book by Niall Fahy, exploring humanity's present state, examined in the context of nondual philosophy, evolutionary theory, neuroscience, Western philosophical thought, ecopsychology, spiritual traditions, sociocultural evolu
Hermetic Kabala explained through Science, Kabala proven wrong or right through science, The basics of the Scientfic Kabala, with the Sephiroth boiled down to their true essences and the attributions of the tarot with terse rational for their placement.
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Here you will find information on booking Steve Elder as your keynote speaker for your meeting or conference, the coaching services that Steve provides as well as information on Steve’s new book “How Much More Longer?”, due out September 2009. Choosing y
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Shark Bay, Ningaloo and Outback Pathways Road Guide - Wild Discovery publication by Len Zell - Wool Wagon Pathway, Kingsford Smith Mail Run, Miners Pathway
Building interdisciplinary teams that use best evidence for partnership with patients to prevent infection and errors. Our guides are based on best evidence. Written in plain language, the guides are pathways for clinicians to effectively engage patients