Oregon State Gems, Inc., are suppliers of Oregon Sunstones, a feldspar gemstone colored champagne pinks and brilliant reds. We sell rough stones to facetted as well as Sunstone jewelry.
Lapidary Services for Faceting Gemstone to similar Quality of American & European Gem Cutters & Low Cutting Rates. World Class Gem Cutting, Faceting & Cabbing, Oregon Sunstone Cutting, Opals Cutters, Gem Faceting Services, Rockhound Lapidaries
A place for consumers, collectors, and even professionals to get help with gemstones, lapidary, jewelry, and any other questions relating to gemological
Hart Mountain Cabin is located 1/4 mile from the center of Plush, with a great view of the Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge, in the high desert of South Central Oregon. Only lodging with full view of Hart Mountain.
Hart Mountain Cabin is located 1/4 mile from the center of Plush, with a great view of the Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge, in the high desert of South Central Oregon. Only lodging with full view of Hart Mountain.
Hart Mountain Cabin is located 1/4 mile from the center of Plush, with a great view of the Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge, in the high desert of South Central Oregon. Only lodging with full view of Hart Mountain.