Holy Rosary Academy is a Catholic, co-educational PreK-8 school located in the Donelson community of Nashville, Tennessee. HRA was named a 2013 Blue Ribbon school of Excellence by the US Department of Education. Holy Rosary Catholic Church has over 800 fa
The Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit has a vibrant liturgy and a warm, welcoming atmosphere. We are a spiritual family engaged in evangelization, worship and stewardship.
Holy Spirit City Beach is a catholic church and parish located in City Beach Perth Western Australia. Fr Don Kettle is the current parish priest. Great resource for vocations to the priesthood, discernment and religious orders.
We would like to welcome you to Holy Cross Church, a Roman Catholic Parish faithful to the Pope and the Magisterium. We are a thriving Spirit-filled evangelizing family, centered on a deep love of the Eucharist and Our Lady as expressed and lived through