The HERE Open Location Platform is a multi-sided platform that unlocks the power of location through its ability to ingest, process and analyze location data.
Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications, whether on laptops, data center VMs, or the cloud.
Talend open source integration software products offer real-time solutions for all types of data integration. Learn more about the benefits of Hadoop and Spark.
Socrata is for governments trying to reduce costs, citizens wanting to know how their tax dollars are used, and civic hackers creating new apps and improving services.
TestDisk and PhotoRec are free and open source data recovery software tools designed to recover lost partition, unerase deleted files, carve lost files.
The Open Data Center Alliance is an independent organization that gives stakeholders a voice in shaping the future of cloud computing. We are developing a unified vision for cloud requirements – particularly focused on open and interoperable solutions.
Adform is the independent and open full stack ad-tech platform that encompasses data, creativity and trading, serving the global digital advertising ecosystem
Data storage software for customized storage solutions with 60-day fully functional trial available. Support for NAS, iSCSI, InfiniBand, private cloud, Fibre Channel SAN.
CIGNEX Datamatics is a Silicon Valley based, global, pure-play, Open Source consulting company offering enterprise-grade solutions, platforms, products and services for Systems of Engagement and Insight. CIGNEX Datamatics has experience of delivering over
The best physical and virtual data backup system for modern data centers. Bacula Enterprise is the open source data backup and recovery software system.
OpenDataSoft is a cloud-based platform designed for seamless & unlimited data re-using, re-invents data management for easily turning data into apps & APIs.
A new path towards understanding brain functions
through a transdisciplinary approach uniting Neuroscience, Physiology and Computer Science. A
virtual laboratory open worldwide for scientific data analysis. Your portal to cutting-edge analytical
A new path towards understanding brain functions
through a transdisciplinary approach uniting Neuroscience, Physiology and Computer Science. A
virtual laboratory open worldwide for scientific data analysis. Your portal to cutting-edge analytical