The World Change Foundation is an organization commItted to helping the world come together in one united front by providing the World Coin as a symbol of universal love and peace.
Find out what take us to plant an olive for the peace, the symbol promoted by Pope Francis. He planted his first virtual olive tree. What are you waiting to add yours? Let’s change the education together. Help us populating the world with olive trees of p
There is only '1-Human Family'. 1-Love, 1-Oneness, 1-Humanity, 1-Multiverse is what's REAL. Everything else is a mess we self-create & perpetuate due to faulty inform8tion & beliefs. If we want 1World-1Peace we must BE the PEACE.
There is only '1-Human Family'. 1-Love, 1-Oneness, 1-Humanity, 1-Multiverse is what's REAL. Everything else is a mess we self-create & perpetuate due to faulty inform8tion & beliefs. If we want 1World-1Peace we must BE the PEACE.
There is only '1-Human Family'. 1-Love, 1-Oneness, 1-Humanity, 1-Multiverse is what's REAL. Everything else is a mess we self-create & perpetuate due to faulty inform8tion & beliefs. If we want 1World-1Peace we must BE the PEACE.
Welcome to Peace Centers International, Inc! We are creating a world where it is just as easy to find a transformational experience of peace as it is to buy a cup of coffee. Get involved in a social enterprise that is amplifying peace everywhere! The Inspirational, Motivational work of David Bartholomew. From the One World Flag-- an international symbol of diversity, to
DoingIt!-- a journal of positive living, to numerous uplifting writings, videos, documentaries, powe
The One World Flag. An international symbol of diversity... Honoring the Talents, Abilities, and Uniqueness in Each of Us ... As Strengths that can
Benefit All of Us... because we have more in common as a world, than we have differences between nations.
The name Dragonpreneur was coined by Professor P a researcher/adventurer who has traveled the globe in search of solutions to poverty, ignorance, fear and war.
The One World Flag. An international symbol of diversity... Honoring the Talents, Abilities, and Uniqueness in Each of Us ... As Strengths that can
Benefit All of Us... because we have more in common as a world, than we have differences between nations.
peace please provides products and messages that promote peace, and peaceful coexistence, and then donates monies from sales to organizations that promote these ideals.
Find Your Peace Store featuring unique gifts, jewelry, shirts and more. Unique & inspirational gifts. Welcome to Find Your Peace Store. We are happy you have found us. Our mission is to spread the good news that Christ is the ultimate giver of peace.
peace please provides products and messages that promote peace, and peaceful coexistence, and then donates monies from sales to organizations that promote these ideals.
peace please provides products and messages that promote peace, and peaceful coexistence, and then donates monies from sales to organizations that promote these ideals.