Children International, a non-profit child sponsorship organization, fights poverty and helps children in need through our programs, community centers and amazing teams.
World Vision UK are an international charity devoted to improving the lives of the most vulnerable children. Make a huge difference, sponsor a child today.
With ChildFund Australia you can make charitable donations online, sponsor a child overseas or make a donation to help children and their families in developing countries. ChildFund Australia is a non-religious not-for-profit charity organisation working
Future For Nepal is a charity that is helping to give Nepalese children a better start in life through the medium of educational sponsorship. Sponsor a child and help educate the leaders of tomorrow.
With ChildFund Australia you can make charitable donations online, sponsor a child overseas or make a donation to help children and their families in developing countries. ChildFund Australia is a non-religious not-for-profit charity organisation working
With ChildFund Australia you can make charitable donations online, sponsor a child overseas or make a donation to help children and their families in developing countries. ChildFund Australia is a non-religious not-for-profit charity organisation working
Hope 4 Children International Children Uganda Kampala AIDS Orphans Gulu Charity Sponsor Donate Hope 4 Children International Children Uganda Kampala AIDS Orphans Gulu Charity Sponsor Child Dar es Salaam Tanzania
The Sakila Sponsorship is a modern 501(c)(3) charity founded in Kitsap County to raise money for needy children in Africa and give the children of Sakila Village in Tanzania a chance for a better life. Sponsor a child today!
sponsor a slum children india Sponsor a child India Goa Child Sponsorship India Soponsor Eduction, Food, Healthcare and the child's wellbeing. Child sponsorships in india with a recognised Children charity in Goa. Support a child for a month,
Charity in Bali : Australian Charity : Sponsored Charity Work : Sponsors Required : Sponsor a Child in Bali : Donations Required for Orphanages in Bali : Donations required for Charity in Bali : Help Poor Children : Balinese Assistance : Help Starving
Plan Canada is a charity helping to end poverty through Child Sponsorship & other sustainable initiatives. Learn how to get involved & sponsor a child.
Plan Canada is a charity helping to end poverty through Child Sponsorship & other sustainable initiatives. Learn how to get involved & sponsor a child.
Plan Canada is a charity helping to end poverty through Child Sponsorship & other sustainable initiatives. Learn how to get involved & sponsor a child.
Plan Canada is a charity helping to end poverty through Child Sponsorship & other sustainable initiatives. Learn how to get involved & sponsor a child.
Sponsor Kids believes that the only way to ensure a bright future for these children is by educating them. Charity, sponsor, sponsorship, donation, sphoorthi, planusa, worldvision, sponsorkids, child sponsorship organizations, sponsorship, a child, childr
Plan Canada is a charity helping to end poverty through Child Sponsorship & other sustainable initiatives. Learn how to get involved & sponsor a child.
Child Care Mission is a Child Care and Development project of Faith Mission India, a Registered Charitable Organization in India operating in Kerala, Karnataka, Orissa and Chattisgarh states
An NGO India - Arya Samaj Gandhidham is working for child charity, orphan children, and performing other social activites. Aryasamaj is a socio philanthropic organization set up by Swami Dayanand Saraswati.
The Ruel Foundation is a NZ childrens charity organization, providing free medical care for sufferers of child poverty and abuse in developing nations.
An NGO India - is working for child charity, orphan children, and performing other social Foundation is dedicated to finding skillful means to relieve suffering caused by poverty around the West Bengal in India.
Sponsor a Child in India - Anchal Charitable Trust is a nonprofit organization helping in area of disability for poor childrens. Want to Sponser child in India
Plan Canada is a global movement for change, mobilizing millions of people around the world to support social justice for children in developing countries