BREAST CANCER SUCCESS is the true story of Sue Walker who discovered that she had breast cancer while pregnant - and how she beat it. BREAST CANCER SUCCESS will help anyone who is going through this life threatening disease. Sue beat breast cancer with a
Create a flower in the Metastatic Breast Cancer Inspiration Garden. When 500 flowers are created, MedImmune will donate to breast cancer advocacy groups.
Share your story for a chance to walk with us in Chicago this Mother's Day at Breast Cancer Network of Strength's Walk to Empower. Join us on an all-expense-paid journey for this very special event that makes a difference.
My Mother, My Angel is an inspirational story of a mother's love, a family's connection, a holistic healing from breast cancer and the treasures that were unearthed after loss. This book will make you laugh and cry, but mostly leave you with th
I share my breast cancer story to help others going through a similar journey. I have also included links to cancer information, inspirational poetry, Psalms, and Bible verses to help give hope.
Tamika was diagnosed with with Stage 3 HER2+ Breast Cancer at only 36 years old. Visit the website to read her story, comment & share, and Join The Fight!
Breast Cancer Blogger, Sue Ennis, shares her Story of DCIS Ductal Breast Cancer - from Mammogram to MRI to Biopsy to Mastecomey and Beyond on this breast cancer blog.
Told with courageous humor and unflinching candor, cancerpants tells the story of spirited and self-aware 36-year-old Austinite Rochelle “Ro” Poulson’s battle to stay strong after an unexpected diagnosis of stage III breast cancer.
This Blog is an unfolding story. Join me and my Guide dog Trudy as we explore the world and face the uncertainties, joys and pitfalls of every day life. Having just finished treatment for breast cancer, I am hurtling forward at a fast pace, determined t
FAITH WAS THE SUBSTANCE brings life to depiction of a true story of one woman’s amazing fight against breast cancer while still having to deal with LIFE.