Beauty blog nominated for awards from Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire magazines, Muslimah Beauty is a fast growing blog for product and beauty conscious Muslim
Taslim Samji, Contemporary Canadian Artist, Curator and Writer. Check out her recent series of paintings, Indian drums with the backdrop of British Columbia landscapes. Follow her blog at
Meansheets movie poster blog features vintage movie posters, French posters, Italian posters, British film posters, and famous poster artists-illustrators.
The Nature Blog is a popular British wildlife blog offering detailed information on UK nature including how to identify species and advice on where and how to
British actor Colin McPhillamy no longer young, now living in New York and having a great time in the city that never sleeps, issues this monthly what-I-had-for-lunch-when-I-was-doing-my-acting type blog. Of zero interest to celebrity hunters. A gentle re