The online platform for a new film journalism. Approachable and insightful articles to engage open minds. Follow us for comment and off-centre perspectives.
Offscreen is an online film journal that publishes essays, reviews, interviews and festival reports monthly. Offscreen is the longest running monthly online film journal, active since 1997 and takes writing about film seriously.
Filmicon: Journal of Greek Film Studies is a bilingual (English and Greek), peer-reviewed, open-access, online journal edited primarily by independent scholars and published by ‘Eurasia Publications’, Athens.
Split Lip is an online literary journal that aims to introduce new literature, music, fine art and film to modern pop culture and progressive academia.
Provided services as follows: Professional Editing for theses, journal articles, etc.; ESL Online Tutoring; 2D/3D animation work, book publishing, event & concert promotions. Founded 1981.
New online magazine-journal designed to popularize and disseminate anthropological perspectives. Engaging articles, photographic exhibitions, films and features.
Home of the EastWesterly Review (academic journal dissecting pop culture) and Take2 (literary magazine), free fonts by Fonts a Go Go, the Martin Fan Bureau, and free retro postcards