Soul Intent Arts - Ancient Healing, Modern Shamanism - S. Kelley Harrell. Read The Weekly Rune, Intentional Insights, Tribe of the Modern Mystic, and more.
Soul Intent Arts - Ancient Healing, Modern Shamanism - S. Kelley Harrell. Read The Weekly Rune, Intentional Insights, Tribe of the Modern Mystic, and more.
Soul Intent Arts - Ancient Healing, Modern Shamanism - S. Kelley Harrell. Read The Weekly Rune, Intentional Insights, Tribe of the Modern Mystic, and more.
Soul Intent Arts - Ancient Healing, Modern Shamanism - S. Kelley Harrell. Read The Weekly Rune, Intentional Insights, Tribe of the Modern Mystic, and more.
Intentional Insights features The Weekly Rune, personal essays on life as a modern shaman and animist, and reader Q&A on soul healing, shamanism, and wellbeing. Since 2004, ask soulful questions, get compassionate answers.
Internet Talk Radio Show - Prophecy and predictions for the New Millennium from Prophets Ancient and Modern - Native, Aborigine, and Indigenous prophecy, Shamanism, Nostradamus, the Biblical Prophets, Edgar Cayce and more.
Internet Talk Radio Show - Prophecy and predictions for the New Millennium from Prophets Ancient and Modern - Native, Aborigine, and Indigenous prophecy, Shamanism, Nostradamus, the Biblical Prophets, Edgar Cayce and more.
Home of Zane Curfman and the Transformative teachings of the Katari tradition of Peruvian Cross-cultural Shamanism. Enrich modern life through traditional spiritual and healing arts.
A modern shamanic practitioner, Rose Aleta Barbee, explains shamanism in detail, offers private shamanic services, conducts workshops and tours, provides ritual tools and how-to books for students of shamanism.
The spiritual practice of Seb the Shaman. Ancient ecstatic techniques for a modern world. Learn about shamanism online or with us just outside Seattle, WA.
The spiritual practice of Seb the Shaman. Ancient ecstatic techniques for a modern world. Learn about shamanism online or with us just outside Seattle, WA.
Internet Talk Radio Show - Prophecy and predictions for the New Millennium from Prophets Ancient and Modern - Native, Aborigine, and Indigenous prophecy, Shamanism, Nostradamus, the Biblical Prophets, Edgar Cayce and more.
Marc Titus, the Modern Yogi Official Site. Yogi, Shaman, Author, Photographer & Wildland Firefighter. Author of the Buffalo Diaries and Heroes of the Now.
Acrylic Painting, 1990, Commissioned to depict my interpretation of the Theme: "Man's Internal Struggle Between Right and Wrong." (Contemporary Painting)