Perjuries College Mock Trial Forum provides a discussion forum for students, coaches, AMTA members, and others to discuss undergraduate mock trial, mock trial tournaments, the American Mock Trial Association, and other law related topics.
Jury and trial consultants specializing in all phases of litigation: jury profiling, mock trials, in-court consulting and post-verdict juror interviews.
The National High School Mock Trial Championship is the premiere national law-related academic tournament for high school students. Participation in a mock trial program provides students with the opportunity to improve important life skills, including or
Perjuries College Mock Trial Forum provides a discussion forum for students, coaches, AMTA members, and others to discuss undergraduate mock trial, mock trial tournaments, the American Mock Trial Association, and other law related topics.
The Thurgood Marshall School of Law Mock Trial Program is a student organization dedicated to trial advocacy training and competition. Our mission is to promote interest in trial advocacy and to provide students with the opportunity to develop a high leve