The American Forage and Grassland Council (AFGC) is an international organization made up of 22 affiliate councils in the United States with over 2,500 members. Our primary objective is to promote the profitable production and sustainable utilization of q
Serving as an umbrella organization providing education and programs to strengthen the forage industry in Kansas SE Area Forage Field Day, May 7, 2015 Mound Valley Community Center. Registration from 8:30 am - 9:00 am; Lunch provided. Winter Conference a
Grassland Solutions is a Minnesota livestock, horse and agricultural fencing company that specializes in forage management, high tensile fencing, grass seed, energizers, rail fencing and many other types of fencing, livestock needs.
Rangelands in British Columbia include grassland, forest, wetland, and alpine range and occupy about 58 million ha, providing forage for grazing and browsing animals. The majority of B.C.’s rangelands are owned by the Crown (approximately 90%), while the
The Flushing Bar Project, The Allegan Conservation District welcomes you to our public project to develope Flushing bars for 21st century hay mowers. We hope that by deploying a new generation of these tools on modern mowers