Terapias de neurorehabilitación para tratamiento de parálisis cerebral, espasticidad, Therasuit, Theratog, miotenofasciotomía, Spider, osteopatía, acupunctura, odontología, reflejos arcaicos, etc.
Fidyan Neurocenter es un centro que proporciona atención integral y multidisciplinar a personas con daño cerebral adquirido y otros procesos neurológicos.
Terapia Ocupacional en Alicante. Tratamientos individuales y/o para grupos reducidos. Rehabilitación de funciones cerebrales superiores. Neurorehabilitación.
El universo de la gimnasia cerebral o mental, conocida como brain gym, en tus manos donde encuentras ejercicios mentales para mejorar tu memoria, concentración, atención y más
MyChild at CerebralPalsy.org provides information, resources, non-legal referrals and unlimited inspiration to all those touched by cerebral palsy. Join us!
Cerebral Palsy Alliance is a non-profit that provides services to thousands of people with a disability and their families. Cerebral palsy (CP) is a physical disability that affects the way that a person moves.
Having cerebral palsy can put many off dating you because the condition is so misunderstood. We bring together singles with cerebral palsy so they can find love and date, all based on the common understanding. It's a great place to fin, Cerebral
Janet, Jenner & Suggs, LLC, a nationally recognized medical malpractice and cerebral palsy law firm, has obtained justice for our clients for nearly 30 years.
The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy (OFCP) is a non-profit, charitable organization that strives to address the needs of people with cerebral palsy in the province of Ontario. The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy is committed to supporting inde
A cerebral palsy birth injury can lead to a lifetime of challenges and financial hardship. Find out if your case is eligible for compensation by visiting our cerebral palsy lawyer website.
National network of experienced cerebral palsy attorneys. Record-setting, multi-million dollar recoveries. Find out if your child's CP was preventable. Free case review.