New Life Fellowship is a Bible believing Christian church. We meet for worship on Sundays at 10:45am. Services are pretty casual, so come as you are, ready to be transformed.
203 Green Avenue
Madison, NJ 07940
A safe place where the little lambs can meet Jesus and learn the voice of the good shepherd. More than 20 sermons that teach the fundamental teachings of the Bible in a way that even the little children can understand.
A safe place where the little lambs can meet Jesus and learn the voice of the good shepherd. More than 20 sermons that teach the fundamental teachings of the Bible in a way that even the little children can understand.
A safe place where the little lambs can meet Jesus and learn the voice of the good shepherd. More than 20 sermons that teach the fundamental teachings of the Bible in a way that even the little children can understand.
A safe place where the little lambs can meet Jesus and learn the voice of the good shepherd. More than 20 sermons that teach the fundamental teachings of the Bible in a way that even the little children can understand.
A safe place where the little lambs can meet Jesus and learn the voice of the good shepherd. More than 20 sermons that teach the fundamental teachings of the Bible in a way that even the little children can understand.
A safe place where the little lambs can meet Jesus and learn the voice of the good shepherd. More than 20 sermons that teach the fundamental teachings of the Bible in a way that even the little children can understand.
A safe place where the little lambs can meet Jesus and learn the voice of the good shepherd. More than 20 sermons that teach the fundamental teachings of the Bible in a way that even the little children can understand.
Frisbee is a documentary film about the life of Lonnie Frisbee, a seeker turned hippie Jesus freak evangelist in Southern California who compelled thousands towards a profession of Christian faith and the catalyst for two major church movements, the Viney
Looking for a sermon? Visit our Listen page! See our Service Schedule Page for Sunday's Schedule! Have a great week! Check out our EVENTS page for February's conference with Dr. Gershom Sikaala & Prophet Timothy Snodgrass! February 14-17 @AP