An online magazine and community celebrating the best in science fiction, fantasy, comics, anime, and gaming, created by professional columnists, artists, animators, and humorists from the most prominent Web sites and magazines.
Monsterpalooza Magazine brings you the best of classic and modern horror, fantasy and science fiction, in film, literature, media, art, illustration, make-up and sculpture, in it's glossy print pages.
The Underground Forest is a company based in Houston, Texas that publishes the fantasy graphic novel series Land of the Rats and the Texas artist anthology Doom Ranch 5000.
A website of my landscape, architectural, cityscape, model portraits, Family Portraits, Wedding images, live bands and other photographic images I have taken, commision work available.
contact me for details
Website for author of fantasy fiction books, Dark Origins, Rising Ascension. Teen and Young Adult, Epic Fantasy series with demons, angels, werewolves, vampires