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Tom Lacovara Investigative Reporter/Talk Show Host of the Resurrect the Republic/Dirty Uncle Sam TRUTH RADIO BROADCAST (by RTR Truth Media ~ Resurrect the Republic | Dirty Uncle Sam)
Susan Valot is an award-winning radio journalist with more than 18 years of experience in the Los Angeles region, one of the largest radio markets in the United States. Valot covers anything and everything as a freelance reporter-producer for various pub
Tom Lacovara Investigative Reporter/Talk Show Host of the Resurrect the Republic/Dirty Uncle Sam TRUTH RADIO BROADCAST (by RTR Truth Media ~ Resurrect the Republic | Dirty Uncle Sam)
Tom Lacovara Investigative Reporter/Talk Show Host of the Resurrect the Republic/Dirty Uncle Sam TRUTH RADIO BROADCAST (by RTR Truth Media ~ Resurrect the Republic | Dirty Uncle Sam)