Boise's best acupuncture clinic. Trained in China and practicing since 1998. Treating difficult and hopeless cases, chronic pain, infertility, auto-immune disorders. Most insurance accepted. Experience Chinese medicine in a modern clinical setting. Wang M
Boise's best acupuncture clinic. Trained in China and practicing since 1998. Treating difficult and hopeless cases, chronic pain, infertility, auto-immune disorders. Most insurance accepted. Experience Chinese medicine in a modern clinical setting. Wang M
Welcome to Optimal Health Chiropractic - the Lifetime Family Wellness Center in Central, Hong Kong. We believe that if you take great care of your spine, it will take great care of you! Here you will find people seeking help for all types of health proble
Boise's best acupuncture clinic. Trained in China and practicing since 1998. Treating difficult and hopeless cases, chronic pain, infertility, auto-immune disorders. Most insurance accepted. Experience Chinese medicine in a modern clinical setting. Wang M
Boise's best acupuncture clinic. Trained in China and practicing since 1998. Treating difficult and hopeless cases, chronic pain, infertility, auto-immune disorders. Most insurance accepted. Experience Chinese medicine in a modern clinical setting. Wang M
Dr. Qiling (pronounced chee ling) Lu was a M.D. and Professor of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine in China. In the USA, Dr. Lu is certified by NCCAOM, the National Credentialing Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is also licensed in Ar