Get FREE HUGS now at and at bonafyde media dot com Vocals by: Hologram Kizzie aka Psalm One Music by: Compound 7 Directed by: Jake Hand...
Songs of Praise has these features: original songs/plays/art, New Christmas Music, Vera Griffin prints, PSALM, Christmas Music Topsites, Christian Songwriters Webring, and Christian Song Search.
East Texas Country Gospel - Taking the Gospel in Music from Texas to the World . . . BECAUSE . . ."The righteous shall be glad in the Lord and trust in Him, and the upright in heart shall PRAISE Him." Psalm 64:10
Small Opera Touring Company sells original
liturgical opera scores, children's opera and musical drama scores, music
for worship (mass settings, anthems, Psalm settings)>
<META Name
Enjoy Gospel, Christian, Worship music from all over the world, as this website works to make Psalm 96:1 come true. The entire world sings to God, ever wonder how other people worship God?
Charles Pettee and Folk Psalm offer an exciting and entertaining concert of bluegrass and new acoustic music featuring settings for various Old Testament Psalms by Charles Pettee.
My ultimate heart’s desire is to be pleasing to God in all that I do, especially in my music. I love Psalm 96:1 that says, “Sing to the Lord a new song.....
Music composed and/or arranged by Jon F. Krueger for Sacred & Secular use. CDs and sheet music available. Home of the best Ave Maria, Picardy, Beach Spring, and many others. Home of the choral 20 minutes to learn psalm settings that are not only beaut
A Christian radio station looking to give small time artists a place to be heard, be it music, poetry, or spoken word. The goal of Logos 96:3 is to share the Word through song and speech, in accordance with Psalm 96:1-3.
Worship Music - Psalm 84 | Spiritual Reflection | Piano Instrumental | Healing | Musica para orar, Origin - Spirits of the Past - Lyrics (Chouwa oto wtih reflection), Prayer for the Elders By Reflection Spirit Earth