Our vision is to provide services to enhance, enrich and empower women to gain employment skills, sober living, education and economic security to improve their quality of life to achieve self-sufficiency.
Offering mentoring services in daily living skills, pre-vocational skills, community connecting, job training, continuing education support and more. For citizens with cognitive disabilities.
A blog that is all about country life, country skills, simple living, and self-sufficiency. Not only know-how, but knowledge is shared freely. Updated Mon-Fri at 08:00 AM ET.
Billion Dollar Influence: A Persuasion Skills Masterclass from Someone Who Sells Private Jets for a Living [Vinh Ly] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. THE EASIEST WAY TO MASTER THE ART OF PERSUASION </i> Billion dollar influe
The Independent Living Skills Program is designed to prepare young people in foster care and group homes for emancipation. The ILSP offers a range of services to adolescents ages 15.5 through 21 years old. These services include daily living skills, money
The Easy Cook Book Series and One Step-at-a-Time publications are produced in simple, clear and concise language. Ideal for learning and teaching in independent living skills programs, educational settings, community courses, occupational therapy, rehabil
Country living skills and rural life, Photos, Articles, Humor, Farming, Recipes, A List of Books that should be in every country home library, Homesteading and Country Living Skills, Livestock, Gardening, Self sufficient living for homesteading, urban hom
Ambitions4Kirklees builds the skills for work and independent living of young people and adults with learning difficulties and disabilities through practical experiences and supported work placements within their own local community and culture.