Distributor Laminine Indonesia | Agen Laminine Indonesia | Pusat Informasi Laminine Indonesia | Info Laminine Indonesia | Hubungi Bapak ARMY ALGHIFARI 085212156449 (Telkomsel) 085646008888 (Indosat) 2AFA2DCC (Pin BB)
Laminine originated from an idea of providing a perfect food supplement that will aid the brain in regulating and building a stronger body.LAMININE is an adaptagen and perhaps the ultimate supplement.
Laminine is a patented FgF formula that provides the Most Essential Proteins and amino acids. Laminine helps regenerate Aging Cells, while completely nourishing unhealthy cells.
Laminine dietary supplement from LifePharm Global Network provides the most essential proteins and amino acids our body needs. It is a natural, synergistic super food that supports your physical and mental health.
LAMININE is the only known source of FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR.
LAMININE is the synergy of 22 Amino Acids, Trace Minerals, Vitamins, and AMINO PERPTIDES
Each capsule of LAMININE contains:
Marine proteins, Phyto proteins (FGF-2), and Extract from f
LAMININE - "Чудо формула" с почти 100 летней историей! Здоровье, Молодость, Стройная фигура, Энергия, Либидо, а также Финансовое благополучие - для Вас от Life