SeidoShop is your online Aikido/Kobudo shop, directly from Japan. Dogi, Hakama, Obi (belt), Bokken, Jo, etc.. all you need for Aikido! By Budoka, for Budoka!
L'AOKKS regroupe plusieurs clubs valaisans et vaudois en Suisse romande, pratiquant le karaté shōrin-ryū (kobayashi-ryu de l'école shubukan) avec Me Yasuhiro Uema et le kobudo d'Okinawa de Me Matayoshi avec Me Zenei Oshiro.
Okinawa karate and kobudo - we are dedicated to preserving and promoting traditional karate and kobudo. In our dojo we practice kata bunkai self defense
Natsu Mura Karate & Kobudo Dojo was founded by Joyce Stech on the principle that we are not here to learn only for ourselves...what we learn we are entrusted to share with others.
Gateway to Okinawa, Accommodation, Adventure, Sports, Martial Art, Karate and Kobudo, sunny Island. oldest people in the world, most famous Karate masters
Gateway to Okinawa, Accommodation, Adventure, Sports, Martial Art, Karate and Kobudo, sunny Island. oldest people in the world, most famous Karate masters
The Jikishin School teaches the Okinawan martial art of Kobudo. Based at the Royal Armouries in Leeds England, we aim to provide a friendly and quality learning environment for the study of this historic martial art.
Okinawa karate and kobudo - we are dedicated to preserving and promoting traditional karate and kobudo. In our dojo we practice kata bunkai self defense