The World Koryo Gumdo Association (WKGA) formed to instruct school owners a new martial art to their students through Gumdo certification, Gumdo seminars & Gumdo Tournaments.
Estrada Tae Kwon Do / Haidong Gumdo Academy is built on outstanding morals. Our Academy is the ideal martial arts studio to begin your training or to further your studies.
Men, women and children from 5 to 65 have discovered the benefits of Estrada Tae K
Since 1999, ALTAMONT MARTIAL ARTS TAE KWON DO, HAPKIDO, WORLD HAIDONG GUMDO has been providing instruction in the martial arts in the Altamont, NY area.
The World Koryo Gumdo Association (WKGA) formed to instruct school owners a new martial art to their students through Gumdo certification, Gumdo seminars & Gumdo Tournaments.
JAWS Schwert / Katana Shop.
Handgeschmiedete Schwerter / Katana für
In Jaws Schwert Shop finden sie echte Katana zu scharfen Preisen.
Das Schwert ist handgeschmiedet und aus Kohlenstoffstahl in traditioneller Art gehärtet.
Die Klinge ist mit einer Ho