Uplifting the King James Bible and the name of Jesus Christ in these Last Days,
this website is a ministry—a pulpit—exposing false prophets, deceptions and all manners
of evil in its ugly forms. God loves sinners with an uncondition
Jesus Christ info at King Christ Jesus .com, a Jesus Christ info resources center; there are Jesus Christ info gospel tracts & a Christian Bible study outreach taking Jesus Christ information to the world as the good news of Jesus Christ.
King's Way Christian Fellowship, Glen Waverley, Melbourne, a non-denominational family Bible church. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is central to our faith. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
King of kings Truths, the truth or knowledge of the truth, free gift of true salvation, life eternal of knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom he sent
We are a website dedicated to providing inspiration and encouragement through the word of Jesus Christ for those in need across the globe business description